Meet The Makers: Minneapolis

January 01, 2021

A year no one predicted. Bustling streets turned to abandoned pathways. Crowded restaurants turned to just memories of gathering. People who rely on their passion for a living left to pick up the pieces. As we sought to find our most recent makers, we wanted to pay extra close attention to small business owners and the people pursuing their dreams in unprecedented times. How did they tackle 2020? What kept them inspired? Where are they now?


A mosaic maker. A printmaker. An illustrator. A sewist. An importer. And a "Maker Whisperer." We are humbled to introduce you to these Minneapolis creators and disruptors. We hope their stories bring you happiness and hope as we look to a new year!




D.C. Ice and Matthew Philippi

An illustrator and sewist duo who share a business and a family. Can you imagine a place where woodland creatures reside, everything somehow feels magical and true love conquers all? Sounds like a fairytale, right? D.C. Ice and Matthew Philippi’s art shop is this fable come to fruition.


Adam Turman

Founder and owner of Adam Turman Artwork, Adam is an artist, muralist and printist that wants to leave this world more colorful than he found it.


Mercedes Austin

Mercedes is the founder and owner of Mercury Mosaics, a handmade tiling company based out of Minneapolis. What would life be like if you went from making a mosaic piece in your studio apartment to founding your own international business? According to Mercedes, the answer is: always fun, sometimes crazy and infinitely rewarding.


Jen Knoch

Founder of From Grasse with Love, Jen is a fragrance importer who has turned her passion for France and scents into her own business. She is passionate about the stories and memories that scent carries and hopes to share that importance with others while bringing an extra sparkle to their lives.


Jerrod Sumner 

Creative Director at Rose and Loon, Aesthetic Editor of Minnesota Monthly and Midwest Home and founder of BRANDtabulous is just the start of Jerrod’s tale. Turn the page and discover “The Maker Whisperer,” the story teller who uses his passion and power to help others become story tellers, too.